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  • Writer's pictureKerri King


Having the courage to transcend our previous selves and move toward our dreams can be challenging.

Putting ourselves “out there” and throwing ourselves into the sea of the unknown is VERY scary.

What will people think? What if I fail? What if people don’t like me or what I produce?

These are all things that all creatives wrestle with when sharing their work, whether it be creating visual artwork, performing original music, or writing poetry.

I’ve always had the greatest admiration for artists for having the courage to open their hearts and minds and sharing their creative selves.

I am blessed to have so many artistic souls in my midst, and one thing that I know is that and every one of them have COURAGE. The courage to sit quietly with themselves, tap into their unconscious awareness, and allow the creativity to flow.

Whether we realize it or not, we are all creative. As Lady Gaga says, we are born this way. Many of us have spent decades finding ways of busying ourselves with life and have successfully avoided taking the time to sit quietly with ourselves to discover the creativity that lies within our souls. I might be one of them. LOL.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” – Brene Brown

Over the past few weeks, I have had the wonderful luxury of time. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to set aside the time to explore my own personal creativity.

Just for me.

It has been an incredible gift and as I sit here in this beautiful garden in Montreal, I thought I would write a quick note to let all of you know that I am OK. I am more than OK.

Many of you have reached out to me in the past few weeks to see how I am doing during this transitional period in my career.

Well, I’d be lying to you if I said that it hasn’t been challenging. I loved my team at the gallery where I worked, and I loved the community of artists, patrons, and partners that I had the pleasure of working with for more than five years of my life. However, in order to grow and evolve we have to be vulnerable and welcome change.

As Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

I’ve spent decades promoting other artists and creatives, but now it’s MY TIME. Why not be the STAR of our own lives, right?

It’s time for me to sit with myself, tap into my own creative genius (which we all have), and explore my own creativity. When is the last time that you did this for yourself?

Soooooooo, I am pleased to say that I am FINALLY going to write my book. Wooo hooo! It only took me about five to seven years of talking about this to get to this point. I’m beyond grateful for the people in my life that are supporting me through this process.

I’ve committed not only to myself, but to my new coach, Ronnie, to creating my first draft in VERY short order. It feels so good to invest in myself, in a coach, and a powerful book writing course to finally get this done!

A few years ago, I published a blogpost sharing that I would like to write a book, and that I was sharing it publicly as an exercise in accountability. Well, better late than never, right?

I must admit that it takes COURAGE and CONFIDENCE to put myself out there and share this personal plan with you; but I am really looking forward to sharing my story with you. I know that it will be a healing experience for me, and I sure hope that it will be for you too.

As Coach Ronnie said on our Zoom call this morning, opening up and being REAL can be RAW – but when you share a RELEVANT story with the world, you will get the RESULT that you are looking for. And for me, that is simple: To make a difference in this world. Every. Single. Day.

Thank you for reading.

I love you.


If you’d like to follow me in my journey, please subscribe to my e-newsletter.

“There is a stream of love supporting my dreams” – Gabrielle Bernstein

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